J6 --The Journey of Our Life
It takes a step to move forward and to move forward we need to take the first step. This is the first step that all of us should take. Let us make it happen.
All of Us

cElamat berpoCe

By princ3ss2myself
hmmm... my aim is to wish each one of U selamat berpose.. tp cm impossible je.. so i take this opportunity to wish the guyss n da gurlss.. selamat berpuasa. sapa setuju pose jauh dr umah x besh? i obviously setuju... k, buhbyE!

4 comments so far.

  1. Imran September 20, 2007 at 4:04 PM
    i also agree..
    damn sad fasting without family..:'(
  2. i l i September 21, 2007 at 12:44 AM
    i need my mummy too!!!
    to cook my break fast n sahur 4 sure! isk2.....
  3. bRoTher[H]onG September 22, 2007 at 6:05 AM
    dats rite..boring fasting without family..my home is very far n very expensivela to go back every week..hmm but wat 2 do..
  4. JaCk aYiE September 22, 2007 at 3:10 PM
    hey pwincess..
    happy fasting to u 2..
    u can cook by urself..
    so,the conclusion is..
    cook extra !!
    give me some !

Something to say?