J6 --The Journey of Our Life
It takes a step to move forward and to move forward we need to take the first step. This is the first step that all of us should take. Let us make it happen.
All of Us


By KevinG
Hey all...welcome to the blog that I have created for you guys. I have decided that I need to do something special with you guys instead of only contacting and seeing you guys less than an hour perday. Hahahaha...that's not the real aim of this blog lah.

I have created this blog with the purpose of helping you guys in writing. I want one person to write at least one blog entry perday and therefore if there are 30 of you, all of you will have to write at least once perday. i might not be able to read this blog all the time, but I'll join in as much as possible.

If you feel like writing on that day but it is not your day, don't worry. It what makes the blog more interesting. Regarding to topic, I have none. Just write what you feel like writing, ok! So..this is my first post to you. I'll post something for you to read tomorrow once I have introduced you all to the blog.

Till then, happy writing and reading.

9 comments so far.

  1. xin ning September 11, 2007 at 5:10 PM
    Mr.Kevin,thanks for creating this blog...we will try our best:)
  2. sHi YiN September 11, 2007 at 5:20 PM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. sHi YiN September 11, 2007 at 5:24 PM
    haha.. never think that u have created such blog for us..
    anyway, thanks!! ^^
  4. Rifqi Al-lil September 12, 2007 at 10:33 AM
    i'm hoping that all j6 members can actively get themselves involve in this blog. especially my pet shadz.
  5. KevinG September 12, 2007 at 2:39 PM
    what pet? Shadz?? LOL!!!
  6. $#@|)Z September 12, 2007 at 4:30 PM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. $#@|)Z September 12, 2007 at 4:33 PM
    "- - Mangkuk ayun punye Rif**... Let's clear this misunderstanding.. I'm not a pet, thank you. I think he meant Bro. Hong as his pet.

    ** Direct english translation: Swinging bowl "punye" Rif.

    Not forgetting to Mr. Kevin, thank you for creating us this blog.
  8. i l i September 12, 2007 at 10:16 PM
    thanks mr kevin for the blog specialy made for our class. btw, other class has started to feel jeolous bout this blog bcoz their esl teacher doesn't do this as u r. this is wat i call sporting!!
  9. mag2204 September 15, 2007 at 5:07 PM
    MR.Kevin thanks for ur initiative on tryng to improve our writing,its the thing that we most needed now.hope this site can help us strenghten our friendship and share our point of view in our unique way.credits to u,mr.kevin,this site has inspired us to think outside the box in some matter.keep up the good work 4 my friends blogging,till my turns come.chow

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