Salam and hello to all of you...i'm fine..i'm not sick..thank u to god for give me life oppurtinity untill this my believes..if we thank to god..insyaallah..He will double the give on you.At this very moment..i am going to talk about one topic..that i'm always think about..whenever i was in what is so special about palestin..for me..Palestin is a very meaningful to me..i eager to go there so i can do something there..a fatwa release by Al-Azhar university..the palestine people in nowadays can use any attack zionis laknatullahialaihi...including sacrifice themselves....there will get syahid...thats what muslim should think about today...but..something that i'm very disappointed...muslim world does not have any intention towards unity themselves..they always think about themselves..selfish person..PALESTIN issue suppose to be a main issue for is not happen.Poor to palestine...PALESTIN IS A KEY OF THE WORLD PROBLEM TODAY..if this matter can be solved..than..peace can be poured all over the world..this is the zionis (israel)..these people are very know why..because in their talmud stated that they are the precious person in this world..the rest of people are just like a thrash..i'm not bluffing..this is the true..
But in this new world..why muslim cannot help their own brother and sister in palestin..?
You get think about it....
See again..