J6 --The Journey of Our Life
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Stalker almost kantoi..;p

By Imran
Detective Skizo is back and ready for action..!!
after going through Inspector Cutie Mutie's report..
and with further investigation that i have done last night..
i think i almost reach my objective..
that is to find who is actually stalking Mr Neo..

i think the stalker is someone who is quite close and know you very well Mr Neo..
and i have strong feeling that the stalker is a girl..
based on the report i have received form Inspector Cutie Mutie, it said that you had received some notes that were put in your pockets at your house..
from this situation, i can conclude that the stalker know you quite well..
this is because she knows your house and can enter your house to put the notes into your pockets..
the notes that you had received have been analyzed by me..
based on the handwriting, i can detect the person who wrote it..
just give me some more times okay..

besides, from the email you had received..
i can say that the sender is closed to you because she know your daily routine..
she must been know you for a long time..
for your information, all the email that you have received are been analyzed by my partner..
by using the latest technology, the sender of the email can be detect..
but this also need times..

Mr Neo, dont worry..
i just need some more times to find the stalker..
maybe 2 or 3 days..
i promise i will tell you who is actually the stalker during the presentation time this coming Wednesday..
thats all from me for now..
i ll see you again later..


1 comment so far.

  1. Shadz February 17, 2008 at 6:30 PM
    Thank you Mr Detective. I feel safer. To d stalker out there, watch carefully your every move. You might fall into your own traps.

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